Tuesday, May 21, 2013

And yet more Rome

On Saturday, we took a day trip out of Rome to Ostia Antica - the ancient Roman seaport.  It's an entire city of ruins, including an amphitheater:
Lots of great mosaics:
And this cool statue tucked away in a tunnel under the ground:
It was like being a kid again - exploring a landscape of ruins, always wondering what cool thing could be right around the corner:
Paul found the mills very interesting (as did every other single tourist there - this is by far the most people we saw in one place in all of Ostia Antica, and this was our second attempt to take a photo, too).  The millstones have holes in the top where for the whole grain and the flour came out the bottom.  Donkeys or humans pushed them in circles:
Saturday night was Rome's free museum night (just once a year!), so we went to the Capitoline Museum.  The line was long, but moved pretty quickly: 
The Dying Gaul is justifiably famous, down to the calluses on his foot:
And the pieces of the impressive statue of Constantine, originally in the Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine in the Roman Forum, were quite neat to see:
On Sunday, we wandered around, ate delicious pizza (we ate a lot of pizza in Rome!), and sunbathed on the Spanish Steps:


  1. Your photo of the statue in the tunnel is amazing. I know it's not what the figure is actually doing, but at first glance it looks like he's trying to escape, running straight towards you. Pretty cool!

  2. I hope you threw a coin in the Spanish Steps fountain, for good luck finding transportation on your way forward this trip! :)

    Wow, you two certainly keep rubbing the Europe fun in, aren't you? We're so incredibly jealous. Certainly keep enjoying the sun while you can... you'll be sad to have left it behind once you hit the cold dreary Northern Europe ;)

    1. No coins were sacrificed. I put my faith in Trenitalia.

      You don't have to follow the blog if you don't want to hear about the fun. ;-) Actually, we've had a lot of cold and rainy days in Italy. We took a cooking class today and the teacher said it was the coldest spring in more than 100 years (or something like that). We bought jackets yesterday.
